Science of happiness and gratitude

The Psychology of Gratitude and HappinessResearchers in Positive Psychology have found that gratitude and happiness are alwaysstrongly correlated. A possible theory is that gratitude moves people to experience morepositive emotions, to thoroughly enjoy the good experiences, better their health, faceadversity, and develop and maintain relationships of strength, which in turn makes youhappier.Three common ways people… Continue reading Science of happiness and gratitude

Mental health matters

As the title suggests, this blog is about mental health and mental health awareness. This is of emotions, and they are so shimmering and vibrant my first blog, so it is going to be veryinformative and fact-driven for the people to get a basic idea about this topic. Being a non-psychology student, I’ll share my… Continue reading Mental health matters

Taking care of your Emotional Wellbeing

For a long time in my life I didn't know what emotional well-being was in the name of God. We are all wired to experience a range of emotions, and they are so shimmering and vibrantthat they make us feel alive. I'm trying to understand what to do with Our cultural conditioning that has taught… Continue reading Taking care of your Emotional Wellbeing


“Understanding is step one to attractiveness, and most effective with attractiveness can there be recovery.”Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Goblet of FireThis is what it sooner or later boils down to. A lot of you, like me, won't have skilled any shape of intellectual contamination for your lives. But it doesn’t suggest that wecan… Continue reading ACCEPTANCE